Burn the grassland to maintain them: How does it use it for biodiversity?

In a paper published in plants, people, planets, and Asada aerialism, the grasslands of the young lava flow are more abundant, red legs, and redlisted in both the grasslands in both old scorpion bedrocks. It is reported that it shows the disease rate of plant species. Credit: Asada Airi
When the meadow is abandoned, controlled combustion is discussed as a work -saving method to reduce forests. The KOBE University research team discovered that this method increases the biodiversity and increases the disease rate of endangered ED species compared to other grasslands.
Humans have been grazing, harvesting, and controlled burning for thousands of years. These are all means to prevent forests from breeding the grassland.
However, grazing and mowing are labor -intensive, and as the rural areas break away, the grasslands are disappearing around the world. One of the results of this is the loss of the habitat of plants and insect species, including many extinct ANGE species, which depends on the meadow.
Nevertheless, in order to maintain the grassland, the “prescribed” combustion, which is called controlled combustion, is discussed as a highly labor -efficient option. But not all grasslands are equal.
“Many researchers focus on investigating the impact of various management measures on plants, but there are few researchers with soil differences. There is almost no. “
Thus, the soil is a better candidate for being managed by the prescribed combustion, in that any soil generally enables extinction ED species or high diversity of plant species.

It was unknown which soil was a better candidate managed by the prescribed combustion in terms of generally enabling endangered ED species of plants and plants. In order to solve this question, the team of Kobe University, led by a student student from an ecologist group by Master Asada AIRI, is retained once a year in April by the burning of grasslands covering different soil types. I rely on Mt. Fuji. Credit: Asada Airi
To solve this question, the team of Ushimaru, led by the master student Asada Airi, turned to Mt. Fuji. At the training site of the Japanese Self -Defense Forces, once a year in April, the grasslands covering various soil types are prescribed.
“We have noticed that there are several areas in the young lava style, especially the extinction Species species,” explained the choice of the research site and the soil factor affected the existence of the species. Make sure you can study whether to do it.
At the site, we set 100 square meters plots on the grassland with four different soil types, identified each plant, and measured various physical and chemical factors.
Their results on journals, plants, people, and planets are the richness of the grasslands, rich in native species, and richness of red legs in both young lava -style grasslands. It indicates that it indicates the disease rate.
They also found that these factors were important for the sustainment of rare plants, as they discovered soil sourness, depth, rocks and stone coverage.

Asada Ili and her team have a low acidic grassland with low acidic rocks (photos), and the fact that the diversity is lower than that of young lava -style grasslands, the rapid growing plant species grow slowly. He claims that it is the result of being able to control things. 。 Credit: Asada et al. , Plants, people, planets (2025) (DOI: 10.1002/PPP3.10629)
Previous studies showed that acidic soil prefer plants that make the plants difficult to consume nutrients, and shallow soil prefer growing plants. In this way, Asada resets the growth of plants in the specified combustion reset grassland, otherwise these conditions are normally grown and suppresses the growth of dominant species. It claims that it is suppressed, so it gives something better than gaining plants.
Ushimaru said, “Our research has identified an environment where the burning grasslands can use a considerable type of endangered Species species.”
The team said, “identifying the environment that can maintain high -plant diversity through the combustion specified not only to elucidate the survival conditions of Japanese grasslands, but also to conservation and recovery in future meadow environments and meadow species. “Identifies the environment that is essential.
Details: The prescribed combustion effectively maintains semi -natural grasslands in lava flow, plants, people, and planets (2025). Doi: 10.1002/PPP3.10629
Provided from Kobe University
Quote: Burn the grassland to maintain them: How is it useful for biodiversity? (January 30, 2025) January 30, 2025 https://phys.org/news/2025-01- Grasslands-bioDiversity.html.
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