Better digital literacy can help reduce the theory of climate and disasters.

A photo of a fire burning in California between Joshua trees and Los Angeles from above. Credit: UNSPLASH/CC0 Public domain
In recent years, the spread of conspiracy theory has become a surprising trend in the escalating of climate disasters and the aftermath.
During the US 2024 Hurricane Season in the United States, incorrect information and fake information about Hurricane Helen and Hurricane Milton grow on social media, which is a “geo engineering”, and it is incorrectly claimed that it is mainly targeting the Republican region. I did. Such an explicit false not only caused confusion and toxic online discourse, but also hindered the efforts of rescue and recovery.
As the mountain fire continues in Los Angeles, Americans have once again witnessed rumors, half the truth, and the floods of conspiracy theories.
The Canadian situation is also vigilant. There was a conspiracy theory that blamed the “Green Terrorist” that caused the intense mountain fire season. During Jasper Wildfire in 2024, some users of X (formerly Twitter) argued that this disaster was part of the conspiracy of the Albertans by Prime Minister Justing Ludeau.
These types of conspiracy theory are not only extended, but also evolved into the mainstay of climate change. And they emphasize the challenge of escalating that scholars and practitioners encounter the climate change communication.
As a researcher specializing in climate change communication and environmental sociology, we would like to provide some analysis that drive the negativeism of climate change online and propose a potential method to work on incorrect information. 。
Denyation of climate change
Psychologically, the theory, such as the identity protection and justification of the system, tends to accept information that matches existing beliefs, cultural norms, and identity while rejection of inconsistent evidence. It suggests.
Politically, climate easing has been slandered as a political agenda imposed by an “elite” (in other words, climate advocates and experts), as a political agenda that damages the desire of “people.” This kind of story makes climate change a split problem along the wider ideologies.
Easy conspiracy theory can make it more difficult to distinguish between trusted information and unreliable information. They may infiltrate the people’s trust in scientists and scientific evidence, hinder the reception of climate science and the adoption of climate easing strategies. In addition, the belief of the conspiracy worsens the system and government’s distrust, and hinders the collective behavior necessary to effectively relieve climate change.
There are some similarities from several similarities in how climate change denials appear in Canada and the United States. Recent research has shown that political trends, like the United States, have a significant impact on climate change and trust in Canadian sources.
In addition, due to the unique causes of Canada, there is a regional difference in attitudes to climate change, and it is more clearly intertwined with the economic interests of the fossil fuel industry. According to a study conducted by sociologist Timothy J. Hainy, the victims still expressed doubt about scientific consensus on climate change, following the floods in the southern part of Alberta in 2013, and talked about the defense of the oil industry. I understand.
Alberta’s skepticism
Similarly, the research conducted by political scientists, Louis Massa, explained how Alberta’s regionalism contributed to the creation of skepticism, which is wide -range climate and sustainability. Suppress public discussions on the usefulness of policy.
Another consensus among scholars is that in Canada, the scope of corporate power from fossil fuel sector has played an important role in maintaining business as usual and denying climate behavior.
If a small number of companies control most of the market, if a small number of companies dominate the market, if it is higher than in the United States in Canada, this is very aggressive to block the government’s actions related to climate change and delay it. It means that it plays a role.
Climate change communication
The ratio of the conspiracy theory has a challenge to communication of climate change. Developing an effective way to convey simple and understandable climate science is an important way to deal with climate change. However, such communication alone may not be enough for two major factors.
First, it denies that online harassment, trolling, and even the threat of death for climate scientists will significantly impair the willingness to participate in the public debate. Second, online platforms such as X and meta have weakened the fact confirmation mechanism. This has the risk of increasingly changing them into incubators for incorrect information and extremeism.
Recently, Meta CEO’s Mark Zukerburg has announced that the company will end the collaboration with a third -party fact checker and switch to the use of community notes. However, this tool, which has already been maintained in X, may not be effective enough to stop the incorrect information of the virus.
In addition, some platform algorithms may have instructed users incorrect information and conspiracy theory. For example, Tiktok’s recommended algorithms have been accused of promoting conspiracy theory during the LA mountain fire.
In light of these issues, policy intervention is essential. The government needs to adopt a more aggressive attitude when fighting the denial of climate change by conducting a strategy of relieving political sector and reconstructing the trust of the people in experts and institutions. There is.
Public support
In recent public surveys conducted by the think tank, Days has shown a powerful public support for the government’s intervention to fight online harm, including those caused by incorrect information and false information.
The federal government proposed online Harm methods, aimed at managing harmful online content, is still in parliamentary processes. However, the bill has brought criticism of the harm caused by false information on not holding social media companies properly.
It has not yet been found if the bill has been passed to the law. And if the government is directly involved in the moderation of online content, there are always legislative issues and difficulties.
In other words, communication and climate change experts develop and promote initiatives that promote digital literacy, promote the information sources aggressively and verify the information sources, and remind them of emotional charm. You need to do it. These may be an important first step to reduce the harmful effects of conspiracy theory during the disaster.
Provided by conversation
This article is reissued from conversation under the Creative Commons license. Please read the original article.
Quoting: better digital literacy will help reduce climate and disaster conspiracy theory obtained from on January 25, 2025 (January 25, 2025).
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