Enhanced weathering can transform US agriculture for atmospheric removal
The advantages of surface ozone and weathering enhancement for crop production. Credit: Nature (2025). doi:10.1038/s41586-024-08429-2 The new study is the practice of implementing enhanced weathering (EW) and adding crushed basalts to the soil, and by US agriculture, the company will remove 16-300 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year by 2050. It has been revealed that it will rise…
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The initiative calls for global collaboration to rebuild the climate of the past 100 million years
An overview of techniques for creating and improving age models for geological records and their use in paleoclimate reconstruction. Credits: Paleomarine and Paleoclimate (2024). doi:10.1029/2024PA004932 The Times is the title of the International Team project, an acronym for “Time Integrated Matrix for Earth Sciences.” The idea behind it is to launch a global program with the aim of synchronizing age…
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Q&A: Things you need to know about the earthquake near Santorini
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain From January 24th, weak to moderate earthquake accumulation has been recorded around Santorini, Greece. Seismic activity is concentrated in the area between the islands of Santorini and Amorgos, with the center approximately 25 km northeast of Santorini. The Geomar Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel and the GFZ Helmholtz Center for Geosciences Potsdam categorize the current…
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Experts highlight the value of explainable AI in geoscience
Timon Meyer, Fraunhofer-Institut für Nachrichtentechnik, Heinrich-Hertz-Institut, HHI The value of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI). Credit: Nature Geoscience (2025). doi:10.1038/s41561-025-01639-x A new paper published in Nature Geoscience is an expert at Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut (HHI), who advocates the use of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) methods in Geoscience. Researchers aim to promote the wider adoption of AI in geoscience (e.g. weather forecasting) by…
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How the communication cable can imagine the ground under us
With the help of IS & T employee John Morgante (right), EAPS Ph.D. Student Hillary Chan, a student, uses Mit’s existing optical fiber in -frustration as a way to imagine the ground under the campus. I have done it. Credit: Hillary Chang When people think about optical fiber cables, it is usually about how they are used to access and…
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Research emigrates as a danger factor for earthquakes and identifies the quality of houses.
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public domain Most of the earthquakes collide into the fire circle. This is a volcanic string and structural activity that wraps the Pacific coastline. However, when an earthquake strikes, the area that experiences the strongest shaking is not always the largest damage. In the fall of 1999, it caused a large -scale damage in Taiwan and adopted a…
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Climate change increases the risk of Himalayas continuous natural disasters
Rampo floods and destruction, 130 km downstream of Lake South Ronak. Credit: Prabled Rao International studies surveyed the causes and effects of the catastrophic flood disasters of Himalayas in October 2023, and destroyed vast areas along the Tista River in India. Research teams from nine countries, including researchers from the University of Zurich (UZH), have analyzed the complex drivers, causes,…
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Research is discovered that the carbon capture of the constructed wetland decreases with age.
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public domain A new study suggests that the constructed wetlands do good jobs in the early days of capturing carbon in an environment that contributes to climate change, but the abilities will decrease over time as the wetlands mature. 。 Researchers investigate soil core samples collected from two constructed freshwater wetlands, and compare them with previous research data…
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How does the atmosphere affect the sea weather?
Swirled vortex: New Rochester research on data on satellite images and high -resolution climate model overturns the previous assumptions about how their ground wind and marine weather patterns interact. Credit: NASA/GODDARD Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio Photo New research clarifies a surprising way for the atmosphere of the atmosphere to affect the whirlpool of the sea, and forms a…
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The Arctic groundwater supplies more carbon to the sea than previously known.
An aerial image of the research site in Kakutobik Lagoon in North Alaska. Credit: Nathansongdaman A new study at Austin School at Texas University allows relatively small amount of groundwater to release a large amount of carbon through the Alaska tundra and contribute to climate change. Researchers consist of only a small part of the water that is excreted in…
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