Space & Cosmos
You can remove space debris using a robot gripper
Credit: NASA/SUNI WILLIAMS The blue tentacle-like arm attached to the Astrobee Free Flying Robot will grab onto the “Capture Cube” in this image from February 4th, 2025. The experimental gripper demonstrated autonomous detection and capture techniques that can be used to remove space debris and service satellites. In low Earth orbit. The Astrobee system was designed and built at NASA’s…
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Space & Cosmos
Researchers identify potentially life-sustainable exoplanets
Credit: CC0 Public Domain International teams have confirmed the discovery of super-Earth orbits in habitable zones of nearby sun-like stars. The planet was originally detected two years ago by Oxford University scientist Dr. Michael Cletinier. The results open a window into future research on exoplanets like Earth that may have life-friendly conditions, based on observations over 20 years. The new…
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Space & Cosmos
A large Magellan cloud star throwing stars in the Milky Way could have a super-large black hole
This beautiful image shows four auxiliary telescopes, large and small Magellan clouds above the Naar Observatory of ESO, as well as a very large telescope (VLT) array. New research shows that the LMC holds an ultra-high Massive black hole that serves part of the multi-speed star in the Milky Way. Credit: By ESO/J. Colosimo — http://www.eso.org/public/images/potw1511a/, cc by 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=38973313…
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Space & Cosmos
Red Planet Roving: New Paper Document First Mars Mission Soil Sample
NASA’s patient Mars rover took this selfie in July 2024. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS A new paper released today records the first soil, airfall Dust, and Rock Fragment samples collected by NASA for its return from Mars. Astrobiologists from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, lead the specimen selection team. This paper is published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. Until…
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Space & Cosmos
Efforts to find an alien life can be boosted by simple tests that drive microorganisms
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Finding life in space is one of the great efforts of humanity. One approach is to find motile microorganisms that can move independently. This is an ability that is a strong hint in life. When movement is induced by a chemical and the organism moves accordingly, it is known as chemotactic. Currently, German researchers are developing…
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Space & Cosmos
On the way to Jupiter, European Clippers capture the stars of the stars
The concept of NASA’s European Clippper spaceship artists. Credit: NASA/JPL-CALTECH Three months after the release of the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, Agency European Clipper has a 1.6 billion miles (2.6 billion kilometers) before reaching Jupiter’s track in 2030. 。 On the other hand, a set of cameras that fulfill another purpose is to take a picture in a space…
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Space & Cosmos
Do you have a life there? The existence of other technical types is very possible
Credit: CC0 Public domain We live in the golden age for space exploration. Scientists collect a lot of new information and scientific evidence at a record pace. However, old questions remain unprecedented. Are we alone? New telescope technology, including space -based tools such as James Webb Telescope, has discovered thousands of residents that can support the same life as the…
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Space & Cosmos
New analysis of asteroid dust reveals evidence of salt water in the early solar system.
In October 2020, a bans -size robot spacecraft temporarily touched the surface of Benne, a 525 -meter planet, 32 million kilometers from the earth. As part of NASA’s OSIRIS-REX mission, spacecraft not only spent two years of imaging as an planet, but also collected valuable samples of dust and small rocks from the poor surface of Bennu. In September 2023,…
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Space & Cosmos
Are we all aliens? The asteroid sample returned by NASA holds the components of life from the world of water.
This image provided by NASA shows the top down view of the Ocillis -Rex touch and go sample mechanism (Tagsam) head, which reveals the rest of the asteroid sample inside. Credit: NASA via AP Scientists reported on Wednesday that the asteroid sample, fetched by NASA, has not only a lifelong building block, but also the salty archeological site of the…
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Space & Cosmos
The amazing signature of the WASP-121B dynamic atmosphere will challenge the understanding of “roasting marshmallows”.
Hot Jupiter Credit Artist Impression: International Gemini ObservaTory/NOIRLAB/NSF/Aura/J. Da Silva/Spaceengine/M. Zamani Almost one -third of the known outside planet is a huge gas company similar to Jupiter and Saturn. However, while our solar system has developed as a gas giant far from our sun, some planetary systems are so -called “hot or very hot, very close to the stars.” It…
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