Australians are confused about food expiry dates and storage, survey finds

Credit: Mat Brown from Pexels
New research has revealed that Australians are wasting food due to unclear date labels and storage instructions. The report was released by RMIT University and the Food Waste Prevention Collaborative Research Centre.
About a third of food is lost or wasted in Australia each year. The use by date indicates the last day the food is safe to eat, while the best before date indicates its peak quality. Food is safe after this date unless damaged, deteriorated or spoiled.
Many of the 125 consumers interviewed understood the difference between best before and expiration dates, but would often throw food away if either date had passed. Older people and retirees were less concerned about date labels, while younger families were more likely to throw away food that had passed its best before or expiration date. In warm, humid climates such as Queensland and the Northern Territory, date labels are less likely to be trusted.
Lead author Associate Professor Lucas Parker from RMIT University said date labels are confusing and widely misused by Australians. “Consumers want information that is clear, consistent and easy to read,” he said. “Date labels should be presented in a large font and contrasting colour so they are easy to find and interpret.”
The survey found that advice such as “Store in a cool, dry place” was interpreted as vague and unhelpful.
Parker said labelling with practical tips for storing food properly and sealing packaging could be a solution.
“Specific temperature storage guidelines on packaging would be helpful,” he said. “People need information on how to properly store food and extend its shelf life, especially during times of financial crisis.”
Parker said people rely too much on printed expiration dates instead of using their own senses to self-test.
“We need to get people to actually see, touch and smell the food, rather than relying solely on best-before dates,” he said. “Fresh produce often doesn’t have date labels, and we’re OK with that, but products like salt are often sold with unnecessary best-before dates.”
The survey also found that date labels were often removed after the product was opened, leaving many consumers concerned about the freshness of the product.
Parker said buying to eat rather than to store is an easy way for consumers to reduce food waste and save money.
“Small, frequent shopping trips are an easy way to reduce food waste,” he said. “With less food in your fridge and pantry, you use items faster and throw away less. We all need to be aware that we waste food, so let’s focus on what we’re doing and what we can do next to avoid wasting food.”
The research was carried out for End Food Waste Australia, the country’s leading organisation working to make Australia’s food system more productive, resilient and sustainable. Parker and his team are reviewing the findings of this latest research with government and industry representatives.
Further information: Date labelling and storage advice, consumer interviews: … ewInsightsReport.pdf
Provided by RMIT University
Source: Australians confused about food date labels and storage advice, study finds (September 18, 2024) Retrieved September 18, 2024 from
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