Space & Cosmos

Are we all aliens? The asteroid sample returned by NASA holds the components of life from the world of water.

This image provided by NASA shows the top down view of the Ocillis -Rex touch and go sample mechanism (Tagsam) head, which reveals the rest of the asteroid sample inside. Credit: NASA via AP

Scientists reported on Wednesday that the asteroid sample, fetched by NASA, has not only a lifelong building block, but also the salty archeological site of the ancient water world.

The survey results shows the most powerful evidence that the asteroids may have planted the seeds of life on the earth, and these ingredients may be mixed with almost correct water from the beginning.

“It’s an environment that was indispensable for the steps that lead from elements to life,” said Tim McCoy, one of the lead research authors of the Smithsonian Association.

NASA’s OSIRIS-REX SPACECRAFT returned 122 grams and pebbles of 122 grams (4 oz) from the nearby asteroids, delivering a sample canister to the Utah Desert in 2023, and dying after another space lock. It remains the biggest transportation of the universe over the moon. In the two previous asteroid sample missions by Japan, the materials have been considerably reduced.

From the formation of the solar system 4.5 billion years ago, a small amount of valuable black grains of Benne on the left and right was flowed to two different research teams in which research appeared in magazines in nature and natural astronomy. However, it was enough to confirm the existence of amino acids and nitrogen, even in the ammonia, and even a part of the genetic cords, with sodium rich minerals.

Are we all aliens? The asteroid sample returned by NASA holds the components of life from the world of water.

In this photo provided by NASA, NASA’s sample return capsules from the OSIRIS-REX mission are on the ground immediately after landing in the desert, in the Utah State and Training range of the Pentagon on September 24, 2023. Credit: NASA, file via Keegan Barber /AP

California’s Mohab Desert and Africa’s Sahara Sahara, which is similar to the sloppy lake bottom of the dry lake, not all of the delicate salt found in Benne, but will be deprived if it is on a falling MET stone. 。

“This discovery was possible only by analyzing samples collected directly from the asteroids and being carefully preserved on the earth,” said Yasuhito Sekine, a science and science research institute, which was not involved in research. I am telling the editor.

Combining the ingredients of life and a salted water, which is rich in sodium, or salt water environment, “It’s really the way to life,” said McCoy, a MET stone curator at the National Museum of Natural History. “These processes probably occurred much earlier and much wider than I thought before.”

NASA’s Daniel Gravin said that one of the biggest surprises was that the richness of nitrogen, including ammonia, is relatively high. All organic molecules found in Benne’s sample have been identified earlier with MET stones, but the gravin is valid for benz.

Benne -just one -third (half of 1 kilometer) was only one -third (1 km) -Aromal part of a much larger asteroid covered with other cosmic. The latest results suggest that this body has a wide range of underground networks of lakes and sea, evaporating water, leaving salty clues.

Are we all aliens? The asteroid sample returned by NASA holds the components of life from the world of water.

The recovery team members carry a capsule, including NASA’s first asteroid sample, on September 24, 2023, a temporary clean room in the Dougway Provoating Ground in Utah. Credit: AP Photo/Rick Bowmar, Pool, File

The 60 labs around the world are analyzing Benne’s bit as part of their first research, and the University of Dante Lawletta of Arizona is the chief scientist of the mission that participated in both research. 。

Most of the $ 1 billion mission cache is secured for future analysis. Scientists emphasize that more tests are needed to better understand Benne’s samples and to better understand the returns of many asteroids and comets. China will launch an asteroid sample return mission this year.

Many are seeking the mission of collecting rocks and dirt from the potentially flooded unemployed planet Ceres in the main asteroid belt. Jupiter’s moon Europe and Saturn’s Moon Enkelladus are also invited as an attractive water world. On the other hand, NASA has a core sample waiting for a pickup on Mars, but the delivery is stored while the space agency is studying the most quick and inexpensive way to get them here. 。

“Are we alone?” McCoy said. “That’s one of the question we are trying to answer.”

Details: Daniel Glavin, abundant ammonia, asteroid (101955) Bennu, Nature Astronomy, and Nature (2025). Doi: 10.1038/S41550-02472-9.

Nature, DOI.ORG/10.1038/S41586-024-08495-6 evaporated sequence from ancient salt water

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Quote: Are you all aliens? NASA’s returned asteroid sample from February 2, 2025 from Mygledients.html from February 2, 2025 It holds the ingredients of life from the world of water.

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