
According to the research, it is a mutual synchronization via spin wave that can be adjusted to the spin hole nano -artist.

Overview of the period between shnos and the anti -positive synchronization. Image credit: akash kumar.

Spin Hall Nano Oshorator (SHNOS) is a nanoscale spintronic device that converts current directly into high -frequency microw wave signals via a spin wave auto exercise. This is a type of non -linear magnetization vibration that does not require periodic external force.

Theoretical and simulation research shows that spin wave mode propagation, which moves by crossing materials, can promote bonds between SHNOS, not limited to automatic deployment areas.

This combination may be used to adjust the timing of the vibration of these devices. This is advantageous for the development of nerve computing systems and other spintronic devices.

Swedish University and Japan’s Tohoku University researchers have experimentally demonstrated the bond with SHNO-SHNO through such spin waves in a paper published in Nature Physics. Their research also shows how to bond between snos and how to control phases.

“For the past 20 years, our group, led by Professor Johan Ã¥kerman, has been working on spitronic oscillators, mutual synchronization, electrical communication, nerve sphere computing, and in most fields. Recently, ISING MACHINES told, the first author of the dissertation.

“This study was inspired by the discovery of propagating spin waves in Spin Hall Nano Silator (SHNOS).”

As part of my previous research, the team at Yotivoli was able to achieve the first transmission of SHNOS spin waves using the optimized thin film sample of COFEB/MGO material.

This important result is the basics of current research aimed at dynamically controlling the interconnection of SHNOS by using spin wave physics by transferring phase information among oscillator. Ta.

“Such control is essential to achieve a long -distance one -to -one bond between the separated Chunopair and the long chain,” Kumar said. “This breaks the recent binding barrier of the recent restrictions seen in a previously proven system.”

To perform their experiments, Kumar and his colleagues used two SHNOs that could be easily manufactured and used devices. Based on previous research, we were able to prove mutual synchronization between these devices. This was transmitted by propagating spin waves.

According to the research, it is a mutual synchronization via spin wave that can be adjusted to the spin hole nano -artist.

Automatic expansion mode outside the inface and phase. Image Credit: Victor H. Gonzales shared the first author of the research.

“Snos is a highly versatile oscillator that shows a large frequency non -linearity, can be manufactured in a size of 10 nm, and can synchronize with a large one -dimensional chain and two -dimensional array,” Kumar explains. did. “The spin wave of these devices has made it possible to transmit phase information and amplitude information from Shino to another Shino. This was not the previous demonstration.”

Researchers have created a SHNO device used in experiments using a general nano -enhancement process. In order to achieve the desirable interconnection between the two devices, they carefully adjusted the magnetic anisotropy and the separation between them.

“First, we observed the signature of the phase adjusted in electrical measurement, which measured the power spectrum density using a high -frequency spectral analyzer,” said Kumar.

“In order to confirm the survey results, we performed the phase-divided brillan light scatter (μ-BLS) microscope measurement using the state-of-the-art facility. This directly visualizes the phase of each oscillator and verifies the hypothesis. Avinash Kumar Charasiya, a first -approved person who was shared by the research.

“I have executed a series of microscopic simulations to examine their results and confirm the existence of interconnection between oscillator,” said graduate student Victorgonzález, the first graduate student Victorgonzález. The author was also shared. These simulation confirmed the original hypothesis and emphasized the possibility of an approach to control the bonds between SHNO devices.

“The transfer of phase information between SHNOS will be very useful for many applications,” said Kumar.

“By further scaling and voltage control, this coupling allows the SHNO device to be used for the ISING machine. This can be used for the ISING machine, which is a combination hardware -based calculation accelerator. These machines are room temperature. There is a possibility that it works, and it is very efficient and very efficient.

This recent study by Kumar and his colleagues emphasizes the possibility of propagating spin waves to dynamically control the bonds between shnos. In the future, we were able to open new exciting possibilities for the development of various spitronic devices suitable for actual optimization and calculation tasks.

“As part of the next research, we plan to scaling the system to incorporate a number of SHNOS and use voltage gating to provide local control of high -energy -efficient on -demand coupling,” Kumar added. Ta. “With these progress, these devices really work in actual applications.”

Details: AKASH KUMAR et al, Spin Hall Nano-OSICILLATORS, Nature Physics (2025) spin wave mediation and phase adjustment. Doi: 10.1038/S41567-02728-1.

© 2025 Science x Network

Quote: In the research, on February 1, 2025, Spin Hall Nano Oshorator (February 1, 2025) acquired from Mitual (February 1, 2025). We demonstrate the variable spin wave intermediary (February 1, 2025). -Synchronization-hall.html

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