
A new experimental system that brings quantum technology to students

An expert Lahoz and a student group with new equipment to study quantum physics. Credit: FUNDACIOthernyala Pedrera

The world of quantum physics has experienced the second revolution that promotes an exponential leap in the progress of computing, Internet, telecommunications, cyber security, and biomedicin.

In order to explore the innovative possibilities of quantum science, quantum technology has attracted more and more students who want to learn about the concepts from the world, such as the intertwining of quantums and the overlapping of quantums.

In fact, understanding the intuitive nature of the concept of quantum technology and recognizing the relevance of technology progress is one of the issues of 2025, and UNESCO declares the year of international quantum science and technology. did.

Currently, the Faculty of Physics at the University of Barcelona is designed a new experimental equipment that students can get used to more complicated concepts in quantum physics.

The composition they present (organizational, expensive, and have multiple ways to apply to the classroom) are already available at the advanced quantum research institute in the Faculty of Physics in the UB, even in more specialized centers. You may be able to access it.

This innovation is introduced in an article published in Journal Epj Quantum Technology. This is due to the collaboration between quantum physics and astrophysics and Professor Blue Nojuria of Ub Cosmos Science Institute (ICCUB). Martíduocastella, the UB Nano Sieits Nano Technology Research Institute (IN2UB), and Josém of the Faculty of Electronic Biological Medicine. Gómez.

This is based on the results of the final project of Raúllahoz’s master, with expert Lidia Lozano and Adriàbrú.

Study of phenomena unique to quantum mechanics

By quantum mechanics, you can create so -called entangled systems (for example, two particles or two photons to operate in an intuitive way).

In 1964, physicist John S. Bell integrated the probability of quantum mechanics, completely inconsistent with the classic explanation of physics (a hypothesis proposed by Albert Einstein). Expergently proved that.

In 2022, scientists Alain Aspect, John F. Crowser, and Anton Zayringger were in the pioneering experiments for experimental demonstrations of the intertwined quantum information and bells ineque. We won the Nobel Prize.

Quantum entanglement is one of the basic resources to promote the development of quantum technology (quantum computers, data encryption, etc.) today.

“Observing bells’ inequality, especially inequality is the basis of characterizing a quantum -related system. To understand the inequality, quantum interaction, and probable nature of the Bell. It is important to be able to perform these experiments.

Duocastella says in an article, “I have designed a new experimental device that can provide students directly measurement of quantum entanglement. From our perspective, it is an intuitive phenomenon that students perform these measurements. We believe that we can greatly promote understanding.

Introducing advanced tools to students

The system designed by the UB team can study the inequality of the bell and perform a complete two -optical state fault shooting. With a simple operation, you can prepare a state entangled with a different quantum.

Compared to the previous proposal, “The new device has improved the photon capture process. It uses a detector assembled in the optical fiber. Optical fiber promotes the alignment of the system and improves the efficiency of detection. Julia and Ducastella can completely measure bells in a practical laboratory session (1-2 hours).

As a result, the operation of Mitsuko’s quantum state has succeeded, and it has revealed a serious violation of a state where the Takada reality is intertwined and the bell inequality. In addition, the elements of the system are widely used in the current quantum technology, promoting students contact with advanced instrumentation.

This innovation, which has already been applied to a bachelor’s and master’s course, has received a very positive feedback from all students. The Bachelor’s Bachelor’s Bachelor’s Academic Demonstration can perform experimental demonstrations to complement classical and quantum information theory and quantum mechanics. Master’s courses are one of the four experiments at the advanced quantum research institute of quantum science and technology master’s degree.

Details: RAUL LAHOZ SANZ ET AL, EPJ Quantum Technology (2024), a setup of faculties for measuring the inequality of the bell and shooting quantum state fault photography. Doi: 10.1140/EPJQT/S40507-024-00298-Y

Provided by the University of Barcelona

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