
A delicate nanflower that is really deadly for bacteria

This elegant nanofrower adds antioxidant, antibacterial, and antibiotics characteristics when applied to the electro spinnano fiber bandage. Credit: ACS -applied bi material (2025). Doi: 10.1021/ACSABM.4C00788

You can use a carnation -like nano structure someday in a bandage to promote wound healing. Researchers have reported that ACS -applied bio -materials show that the dressing laboratory tests coated with nanflower indicate the characteristics of antibiotics, anti -inflammatory, and biological compatibility.

They say that these results are a promising candidate for treatment of infectious diseases and inflammation, where these results germinated with tannate and copper (II).

The nanflower is a small and self -organized structure. However, those large surface area provide enough space to adhere to drug molecules, and are suitable for supplying drugs especially for flowers.

For the bandage flowers, it was a bronze (II) phosphoric acid and tannox acid for both the antibiotic and anti -inflammatory characteristics of both reagents and anti -inflammatory characteristics for the bandage flowers. After cultivating flowers with a salinated aqueous solution, researchers installed a bio -inspired structure to the electro spinnano fiber fiber strip.

In the test, the bandage coated with nanflower is inactivated by a wide range of culture bacteria (including Escherichia coli, glandscinositasus, and grape staphylococcus bacteria) and its antibiotics -resistant biofilm. It did not remove the covered human cells.

AHMADPOOR and FERRARI have a bandage coated on these nanflowers that have the potential to redefine therapeutic standards, fight with infection, and have a high cost -effective and very efficient, and very efficient. It is said that providing a solution indicates the progress of breakthroughs.

Details: FateMeh AHMADPOOR ET AL, antioxidant, antibacterial, anti -biofirm characteristics, self -organization nano -flower, ACS -applied biotes (2025). Doi: 10.1021/ACSABM.4C00788

Provided by the American Chemical Society

Quoted: Https://2025-01-Delicate-nanoflower-Downlight-Downlight-deadly-bacteria.html, which was obtained from January 31, 2025 on January 31, 2025 Nano Flower (January 31, 2025)

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